How a No-Code CRM platform can help improve customer experience

How a No-Code CRM platform can help improve customer experience Title Image I had the pleasure of delivering a practical speech with this title at the Creatio No-Code Revolution, part of their ‘Accelerate’ series of online global events.

The title ‘How a No-Code CRM platform can help improve customer experience (CX)’ made it easy to break the speech into logical sessions (No-Code, CRM, CX), however, the underlying theme of the speech was the three key aspects of successful CRM and CX , process, process and process.

In the past, the mantra for CRM was always data, data, data. The drive for high-quality data was the power behind delivering good returns from the investment in CRM. High-quality data delivers the best in decision support for individuals going about their day-to-day tasks and for management as they strive to predict future trends and improve business performance. ‘Data-driven’ and ‘evidence-based’ are terms we have all used when talking about CRM and the way we run our businesses.

How a No-Code CRM platform can help improve customer experience Title Image

But the problem with this strong focus on data is that it needs committed and knowledgeable team players to use it to its best advantage. Implicit knowledge of best practice is built up within individuals and, as such, this is not building a corporate asset. There is an aspect of human nature that makes many people strive to improve the way they do things. Make their daily lives more enjoyable by doing things really well. And that’s how best practice is often built.

Now, combine this state of affairs with the fact that career mobility is much higher than in the past. The fact that millennials make up 35% of the workforce (source: Living Facts) and that they have a short life expectancy in any given job role, by comparison to previous generations. And you have a recipe for implicit best practice knowledge evaporating from the organisation frequently and repeatedly.

So the new mantra for successful CRM and for optimising the customer experience is process, process, process. We need to capture the implicit knowledge of committed and capable staff and find a way to codify it – so that repeatable best practice becomes a corporate asset that can be measured and can be taught to new recruits, and to people switching role within the organisation, as the workforce churns. At a time when skills shortages abound in the workplace, when recruitment costs are high, staff churn comes at a high price. Codifying best practice in structured processes is a way to minimise this impact and address continuity of a good customer experience.

Capture and Codify

In my speech, I offered No-Code CRM as an essential tool for delivering this capture and codification of knowledge and best practice. I demonstrated how a simple helpdesk process could be improved with a customer call and how this piece of best practice could be codified in minutes, without technology know-how. Creatio uses the term ‘citizen developer’ for those people in the organisation that create new processes using No-Code.

The benefits surrounding this approach are real: CX improvements come from the people that deal with the customer and ‘know’ the best way to do things; dependence on IT resources to make system changes are eliminated; the ability to react to change is immense. Now your IT team can focus on governance and add value to the citizen developer community, rather than being the bottleneck that slows rapid application delivery. Your workforce benefits, IT benefits, management benefits, and, most of all, the customer continually finds it easier to do business with you.

I concluded my speech with a challenge to management by using a quote from the management guru W. Edwards Deming: “Eighty-five percent of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee. The role of management is to change the process rather than badgering individuals to do better.

Deficiencies in the system

Deming lived in the world before No-Code – so we need to bring his sentiment up to date and say that the role of management today is to “enable change.” No-Code CRM helps you deliver process, process, process. And this, in turn, helps you improve customer experience.

You can watch the 20-minute speech on our YouTube channel here.

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